Under GOP mayor Hartke the Chandler City Council has descended into travesty as the GOP has handed political power to far left radicals. Can Yang save the day?
Christine Ellis is masquerading as a Republicans when needed. GOP mayor Kevin Hartke has endorsed her over his party colleague Joseph Yang. More details about her antics can be found in our recent article.
What about Joseph Yang? Would he be a better choice? Read on to find out more.

To start, Yang supports DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies. He wants to change Equity into Equality, and he is pushing for the inclusion of Asians into the DEI victim matrix. Traditionally DEI is anti-white and even more anti-Asian. DEI is being used to increase the number of black students and employees, i.e. hiring and selecting based on race, not merit. This is coming at the expense of whites and Asians in particular.
I have heard kind of both sides of the spectrum on the argument about DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion). I think the DEI office that we have in Chandler does some phenomenal work.
The above statement isn't even wavering on unsure, it's a full-throated endorsement of tax payer funded racism in City Hall. Of course Yang's opponent Christine Ellis has similar views on DEI.
Yang did not commit to definitely not raise taxes saying: I am always against raising taxes unless absolutely necessary!
On the topic of what he would change in Chandler Yang says: The first thing I would like to change would be the way some of our boards and commissions are run. While serving on a commission or the city and speaking with members on various boards and commissions, I hear that sometimes information isn't always relayed from the commission to the council. That is something I would like to look into.
Strong stuff (sarcasm) for a city plagued by:
rising homelessness due to the importation and tax payer funded support of homeless people
importation of junkies to be "treated" at 3 Chandler drug clinics, often at taxpayer expense
potholes and worsening traffic
high density construction on the last remaining pieces of land
Election integrity
On the topic of election in integrity Yang says: My opinions on elections are irrelevant as the city has nothing to do with overseeing or conducting elections.
This is a laughable response because one problem with election integrity in Chandler in particular is related reports that campaign signs with messages opposing the re-election of Council Member OD Harris to the City Council were systematically targeted and removed to such an extent that the Anti-OD campaign said they could not get their message out. OD Harris now seems to be targeting alleged members of this campaign by calling them "clan" and alleging that their speech opposing him is illegal. Chandler PD was investigating and handed the case over the Scottsdale based prosecutors. Chandler PD is overseen by the Council, meaning the opinions of Council members on election integrity do in fact matter. But then remember the mantra of spineless flacidcons: Whatever you do, make sure you're not at any risk of being called racist by your political opposition which has called Republicans racist fascists for the last 50 years.
Yang does not seem to have ever held a real job and seems to live with his parents. He is the COO of the Chandler Asian Festival, but as far as we could ascertain, this is a voluntary part-time position. Yang seems to have wanted to go into politics since childhood. He has previously been working, as far as we could find out, on a campaign to defeat a Republican congressman, possibly Andy Biggs. He then jumped over to the winning 2020 Christine Ellis Chandler City Council campaign and may have been advising her to make diversity one of the pillars of her campaign. Now he is in a runoff against his former boss.
Chandler is currently run so poorly that a personnel change is in order. So Yang would be the better choice. However, we do not expect Yang to make any substantive changes if elected. Chandler needs a strong leader for change and Yang isn't that. For some reason all Chandler Republican candidates are still running incumbent campaigns as in "keep it going", when, since they are not in power, they need to run change campaigns. It's the opposite of what Kamala Harris is doing (wrong) at the federal level. She is trying to run a change campaign, when she is the incumbent.
Politics 101: When you are in power, you tout your accomplishments and run on doing more of the same. When are not in power, you attack the record of the incumbent and advocate for change. Someone tell the Chandler GOP please. They are not in power (have they not noticed that yet?), they need to run change campaigns and, if they ever get back into power, they need to actually change things to prevent Chandler from becoming a sh*thole like Tempe, or South Phoenix, or West-Mesa.